A new page has been added to the St. James web-site >>> Lectio Dvina. It can be found in the Prayer section of the Ministries drop down and contains a link to Lection Divinas for different weeks of the church year. Clicking the title of this article will direct you to the page.
The St. James annual report for the fiscal 2018-2019 year is now available for viewing. Clicking on the title of this news item will bring you to the Financial Reports page where you will be able to view the report.
Religious Ed registration for the 2019/2020 school is now in process. Please read the description located in the Ministries\Life Long Formation for a brief description of the program, a printable copy of the registration form, and contact information.
Are you struggling with debt? Do your credit card balances seem to be growing and growing? Do you feel like you cannot save any money for the future? There is something that can help – Financial Peace University. Financial Peace University is a 9-week course being offered here at St. James. It starts on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center.
We just want to remind everyone that these cards are meant to be used by those who give electronically (either by EFT or Online Giving) and were set up to be used in the church. The purpose was to give those parishioners who donate electronically something to put into the Offertory basket (if they desired.) So a parishioner can take one as they enter Church and put it in the basket during the Offertory.